Posted by Alternative Medicine on July 23, 2010 in Acupuncture with No Comments
This article revolves around the types of Acupuncture for fibromyalgia. Acupuncture is one of the five disciplines of traditional Chinese medicine performed in Asia for thousands of years. It became known worldwide from the mid-twentieth century and is now made accessible to a large number of patients. The practitioner works on the body’s energy by trying to restore the balance thereof by the insertion of needles into specific points, arranged on different acupuncture meridians listed on the human body. This practice is reserved for people who conducted the appropriate studies and known as “acupuncture”. However, it is possible for anyone to conduct small massage on acupuncture points to relieve some pain or discomfort of small daily? It can also improve the general condition in case of regular practice. In the early ’80s, Dr. Roger Dalet has helped put this simple and accessible to all, which is now known as acupressure, acupressure or digitopressure: stimulation of acupuncture points by the pressure of fingers.
These are still natural methods that use and treat the acupuncture points. However, acupuncture to treat fibromyalgia is more oriented towards the psychological health problems and deals with the fears, anxieties, phobias, addictions, pain (often caused by emotional distress as fibromyalgia), manias, allergies, traumatic memories, mourning, migraines and stress. The method has been developed by Roger Callahan (psychologist), especially played by Gary Craig (engineer, personal development coach) in the 90s.
Several doctors regularly insist on the fact that many diseases are the result of a psychological problem unsolved. These problems lead to negative emotions that cause disturbances to the body’s energy. In addition, the imbalance ultimately leads to disease. The acupuncture to treat fibromyalgia is a technique where one makes a few taps on acupuncture points (8 or 13 points), which correspond to the entry and exit of several meridians.
Apart from fears and phobias, there are many diseases found nowadays which result from anxiety and stress that EFT can provide relief and even healing. Even if one is aware that his illness resulted from a situation that fails to pay, he needs to accept this situation, integrate it with his life without suffering. Therefore, working on his emotions, eliminating anxiety, fear and trauma from the LFS, it becomes possible to directly counteract the disease that is the consequence. Therefore, the acupuncture for fibromyalgia is one of the best methods by to cure the person completely. Fibromyalgia is a dangerous syndrome that can be treated effectively this way.
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