Home Cures for Thrush of the Mouth « Alternative Medicine

Home Cures for Thrush of the Mouth

Posted by Alternative Medicine on March 23, 2011 in Health with No Comments

As if we do not have enough to deal with in our daily lives, you have discovered horrible white patches on your tongue that may even bleed.

If this sounds like something you are experiencing than you most likely have thrush of the mouth. It is possible to get rid of this with one of several home cures for thrush of the mouth instead of spending money at the doctors.

  • One of the easiest home cures for oral thrush that you can do is a saltwater rinse. Simply by mixing one cup of warm water with a ? teaspoon of salt can bring great relief from the pain and start you on the road to a clean mouth. Do this several times a day until the white patches are gone.
  • Another of the many great home cures for thrush is to use garlic and onions together to do battle. Both of these everyday foods have antifungal fighting power and can kill Candida in your mouth. Add these to your daily diet to heal the white patches inside of your mouth.
  • If you wear dentures then you should know that they can be a breeding ground for yeast. There is plenty of moisture under there and this in turn can breed yeast. Be sure to clean your dentures each and every night as well as clean your mouth.
  • If you have ever heard of using yogurt as a home cure for yeast infection then you should know that it is great for oral thrush as well. Not only is it tasty but you will give the healthy bacteria in your mouth a boost. Simply take a teaspoon or two and move it around in your mouth. Be sure not to eat or drink for a little while after this to give it a chance to work.
    The use of probiotic yogurt is one of the most effective and soothing cures you can also use for oral thrush. Try it cooled for some instant relief.
  • Many of us use mouth wash each and every day and you can change to an anti-fungal mouthwash to fight thrush. This is one of the easiest home cures for thrush since it is something that is likely already part of your daily routine.
    To create this wonderful rinse combine warm water, cider vinegar and a dash of salt in a glass. Mix till dissolved then rinse and spit. Not only will this get rid of your current thrush but help to prevent its return.

All of these home cures for thrush of the mouth are great to help get your smile back and your breath fresh and clean.

Using any of these cures every once in a while, you will be able to keep thrush at bay and be pain free. And as you can see, many of the ingredients are things that you keep in your kitchen and use each and every day.

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You may also want to know if you have a baby that is experiencing thrush and you breastfeed, you can rub a little coconut oil on your nipples which is safe for baby and soothing for you.


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