How Acupuncture Actually Works « Alternative Medicine

How Acupuncture Actually Works

Posted by Alternative Medicine on June 30, 2011 in Acupuncture with No Comments

The most common question I am asked by my clients is “so… how does acupuncture actually work?”

My response goes something like this: Basically, acupuncture works in many different ways.

  • On a physiological level acupuncture works on stimulating the bodies natural immune response. For example, If you have a splinter in your finger, your body goes through a series of natural immune response’s whereby it sends healing (white blood cells) to that area, increases blood circulation, and brings nutrients to the surrounding tissue and muscles. All of this happens with out you even knowing. Acupuncture works in exactly the same way except the acupuncturist is directing where the healing will take place.
  • Acupuncture also initiates a release of hormones called endorphins. Endorphins have positive effects on the body and also the mind. When endorphins are released, as they are during an acupuncture session, it can induce a sense of deep relaxation and well-being, it helps to lower blood pressure, helps to boost the immune system and acts as a strong painkiller. This is the bodies natural painkiller that will kick in as soon as there is trauma or injury. Acupuncture is a gentle way in which to stimulate the body’s innate healing capabilities.

If you look closely at a chart that represents the Nervous System and Circulatory System we can see that their pathways are very closely related to the Meridian System. In seeing this relation, it makes sense that by stimulating one area, it can have a ripple effect through the body via this amazing network of nerves and vessels.

So far we have been looking at very physical effects and ways to explain how Acupuncture actually works, so now lets look at the more subtle explanations.

In Chinese medicine the meridians are like rivers that flow all through the body, instead of water the meridians carry Qi which loosely translated means energy. So just like a river whose water flows from one side of the country to the other, the Qi or energy flows through the body feeding and nourishing the areas it passes through.

The acupuncture points are pools of energy where the electromagnetic force is stronger then in other areas they are like reservoirs and can be stimulated to help more energy flow or reduced if there is too much. As the Qi level drops in one area so it does along its meridian and therefore has the ability to effect more then just that part. If there is a blockage of energy along a meridian it can cause energy to get stuck in that area, causing the blood to stagnate and pain to arise. Placing acupuncture needles along the meridians can help unblock this stagnation restoring the body back to health.

Acupuncture has been around for over 5000 years, and is currently being used by Acupuncturist’s, Physiotherapist’s, Doctor’s, Chiropractor’s and in Hospitals around the globe. Its still going strong, in fact there are more and more ways in which acupuncture is being effectively used then ever before. Even though there has been research into the workings of acupuncture and research proves that acupuncture actually does work, there are still a lot of things that can’t be rationally explained by science as to how exactly it can work in so many different ways. Stay tuned for more posts about the benefits of Acupuncture, what acupuncture can treat and information on commonly used Acupuncture points that you can use at home just by pressing on the points your self.


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