Remedies for Leaky Gut Syndrome « Alternative Medicine

Remedies for Leaky Gut Syndrome

Posted by Alternative Medicine on November 4, 2011 in Health with No Comments

No matter how the symptoms may be seriously affecting you physically, emotionally and psychologically there is still hope and remedies for leaky gut syndrome. These remedies are all natural and risk free when applied cautiously. You need to make sure that the remedies will not negatively interact with any other conditions you may have. Therefore talk to your doctor first if you have other conditions or are taking any medications. The body detoxification process is also well known as cleansing, purifying, etc. It is vitally importance for every curing and prevention program to wash away the toxins in your body before actually entering any medication or diets. Leaky gut syndrome started when your body took in too many toxins and other substances that are very harmful to the body. It is now time to cleanse and take out all that poison inside you and make you healthy. You can start your body detoxification by following these steps, bowel cleanse (parasite cleanse), dental cleaning, kidney cleanse and liver cleanse. These cleansings can be accomplished by having a detoxifying diet and seeing your dentist twice a year for regular cleanings. This is an all natural diet that can be followed easily.
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A detoxifying diet is not expensive and not risky thus it is a very healthy way of cleansing your body. Physical activity and healthy eating improves the function of the organs in the body. It also helps enhance immunity, vigor and stamina. When you are physically occupied by exercise, sports and other hobbies, you are performing a needed activity for your body and it also relieves stress, pressure and deterioration of your body and mind.

Meditation doesn’t require you to learn fancy ways in diverting your mind. You can do this on your own without depending much on other techniques like yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Gong, Etc. Meditation is achieved when you are focusing your thoughts to hope, love, peace and thankfulness while exercising proper breathing techniques. A free hour alone and a silent room with mild and soothing music playing softly is all you need. If you don’t have an hour than make it 30, 20 or even 15 minutes but please do it and you may get hooked on it. Be yourself and allow your mind to let go of its negative thoughts by concentrating on the good things in your life no matter how small. Meditation can also be achieved spiritually. Get in touch with your higher power and allow your spirit to be lifted up. If you believe in God or you are part of a religious group it will be best to reconnect with your faith or belief but that is not necessary. Find comfort by releasing your negative thoughts and negative energy by following your spiritual guidance.

A very important factor in facing a condition is finding other people who are experiencing the same circumstances. The internet is a vast universe of communication in finding groups and people with like interest. You can find a forum where you can join and interact with other people who have gone or are still going through the same things that you are. This will enhance your awareness and knowledge about your own condition. It will also serve as your support system.


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