Alternative Medicine

Feng Shui – The Basics

Posted by admin on November 20, 2010 in Health with No Comments

Translation – wind-water – does this word sequence remind you of anything you have heard before? If you are like me, I would assume no. Whereas this interpretation probably doesn’t mean much, the meaning behind it often does. Whereas the phrase ‘wind-water’ doesn’t make any sense to most of us, the original interpretation often does. Using the positive forces of ‘qi’ from earth and heaven, this old Chinese system strives to balance and improve the energy of all manner of things.

All the rooms in the home can be organized according to the rules of feng shui and actually, numerous home are. It doesn’t matter which room in the home you want to organize, every single room can be organized using this old tradition. Each room in your home is interconnected to one another, as a result for the purpose of Feng Shui, the home is classed as one unit. However I just want to tell you about a few basic rules that can be used for the room everybody spends time in, for at least a few hours each day, the bedroom.

When deciding what to put in your bedroom, according to feng shui, you should keep away from items such a TVs and gym paraphernalia. These items can cause negative energy in the bedroom which blocks the flow of any positive energy that is already there. On the other hand, positive happy pictures and items are just right for any bedroom. To produce positive energy, look for positive pictures and items that you can duplicate, as one of something is still wrong for the room. Pick pictures that are bright, happy and positive as well as ornaments, although make sure ornaments are part of a pair. Pick something that brings inspiration or pictures with two humans in them, make sure they feel positive. If you feel great about the items in the room, then chances are you are on the right track. Even if you don’t believe in the whole idea of feng shui, having positive and inspirational items are going to make you feel happier than something that makes you feel depressed.

Feng shui will also help you decide the colors best suited to design that perfect setting in your bedroom The colors of human skin, which can vary from really pale to dark brown, are all said to be good for the room. I think most of these tones can combine particularly well with any other color. If you decide to use these colors, you will also find that most other decor goes well with them, as they are quite neutral. Rather than have the same color scheme in the bedroom, consider using your favourite color or contrasting color to improve the room. As flesh tones are quite neutral, any other color you choose should go very well and look effective.

As for the bed, there are many directions it can be turned to. You should know which aspect of your life you want to influence, in almost all of them, the bed should be turned in a slightly different direction. The general rule is, decide which part of your life you want to change, then position the bed in a slightly different direction. There is no universal working position, so look up the position in accordance with the part of your life you want to improve. If you are unsure what each position means, then there are many ways to find out, from books to browsing the Internet.

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