Alternative Medicine

Treating Stress With Acupuncture

Posted by admin on July 4, 2011 in Acupuncture with No Comments

Let’s face it, our lives are getting more and more stressful. And popping a pill just doesn’t do it anymore. Conventional doctors have begun to see the affects of stress on our bodies and health. Stress is a leading cause of high blood pressure, which is the leading cause of heart attacks. Stress is also responsible for a variety of other ailments, from headaches to digestion problems, to cancer. Acupuncture is an excellent tool to help support the proper functioning of your body and protect against the damaging effects of stress. Many people are successfully using acupuncture for physical distress, but how many know that it can be very helpful in reducing mental and emotional stress?

The ancient Chinese believed that Chi or energy travels in our bodies through channels called meridians and as long as it flows freely, we remain healthy but once the flow is blocked, the system is disrupted and problems occur. When we are anxious and stressed, it causes an imbalance in the body’s energy and it makes it to flow improperly. The Chi becomes blocked or stagnant. When this happens, energy backups and deficiencies are created and can lead to symptoms of pain and illness in other parts of the body.

Moreover, if left untreated, it can lead to more serious problems like tension headaches, depression, fatigue, and digestive upset. With acupuncture, the Chi can be unblocked so it can flow freely and restore balance in our bodies. Acupuncture can also help in relieving the symptoms associated with stress. Many patients report feeling more relaxed after only one or two sessions. By stimulating the points through the proper and delicate insertion of fine, hair-like metal needles, acupuncture relaxes your body and allows your blood to flow freely, bringing a fresh supply of oxygen to the tissues.

The calm and relaxation during your acupuncture treatments help manage stress and anxiety. Because when the body and mind are relaxed, the heart rate lowers, blood pressure decreases, and the muscles release their tension, all of which promote a calmer, healthier, and happier state of body and mind. People want to know how many treatments they should have for stress relief. Though here is no one answer, most patients get immediate relief for a short time and subsequent sessions make the relief last longer. The number of acupuncture treatments will vary from individual to individual, and is based on many factors. On occasion, specific herbal supplements help facilitate alleviation of stress symptoms between acupuncture treatments.

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